
Naked Houseboy Rules

This is the single sentence version of the Naked Houseboy Rules optimized for mobile devices. No claim is made or inferred for ownership of any images, though all text and descriptions are ©2016-2024 by The Naked Houseboy Project. You must be of legal age to read or view beyond this paragraph. All Images are reblogs, reposts and recompilations and depict persons 18 or older as attested by the original owners. Detailed protocols of the entire Rules And Protocol Handbook can be viewed at RulesAndProtocols.bdsmlr.com

Rule #157 — Clothing Authority: Current And Former House Boys

The House Boy must promptly remove and store all clothing upon arrival and remain undressed 24 hours a day while on Master’s property, though any Former House Boy who has ended service honorably may return for complimentary daytime or overnight lodging with full visitor’s rights over any current House Boy and with no obligation to serve, however, the Former House Boy must also remove and store any and all of his clothing and remain naked for the entirety of his stay regardless of who may be present and could observe, unless the Former House Boy is accompanied by a partner or spouse in which case he may remain fully clothed but with the knowledge that the partner or spouse is automatically granted Clothing Authority which includes the right to demand that the Former House Boy partially or fully undress during any activity and at any time during their stay. 

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