
Naked Houseboy Rules

This is the single sentence version of the Naked Houseboy Rules optimized for mobile devices. No claim is made or inferred for ownership of any images, though all text and descriptions are ©2016-2024 by The Naked Houseboy Project. You must be of legal age to read or view beyond this paragraph. All Images are reblogs, reposts and recompilations and depict persons 18 or older as attested by the original owners. Detailed protocols of the entire Rules And Protocol Handbook can be viewed at RulesAndProtocols.bdsmlr.com

Rule #145-B — Getting Undressed (Supervision)

When a clothed House Boy returns from shopping or other travel and Master is unavailable or fails to supervise the House Boy for undressing, the unsupervised House Boy shall properly undress according to protocol unless a third party volunteers to supervise the transition, in which case the first person to volunteer shall have authority under these rules to demand and control the removal of the House Boy’s clothing, to inspect said clothing for damage and cleanliness, to fully examine the House Boy for cleanliness and injury, to administer a Single Swat Warning (bare handed upon the buttocks) for any delay or distraction, and to report the House Boy for follow up on defects or disciplinary action for disrespect or disobedience to the temporary authority granted by this rule.  

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